Saturday, December 13, 2008

Cosmopolitan interaction

Monday is the day I'm starting to work remotely from Hawaii. Our scrum meetings will especially be interesting as I will have to attend them at 5:15 am my time. I do look forward working remotely though. I think it will give me the opportunity to improve the process and interaction for all of our remote employees.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

VA Wallpapers

Out of nowhere we have two great VendAsta wallpapers. First Chris jamed 'Naturally Talented' and then Krystian reviled his home project 'VendAstically Fresh'. Great work guys.

So we also have a third wallpaper which I've missed. No P in pasta is done by Dave Mo

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Let's kick some grass!

Just in time for the indoor soccer season VendAsta sponsored local soccer team which is going to compete in Saskatoon District & Soccer Association's 6v6 boarded and 7v7 artificial turf leagues. You can follow
VendAsta Flatlanders record here:
6v6 league and 7v7 league.

We won’t brag, At least not yet.
But, we’re a team about as good as they get.
The VendAsta Flatlanders are playing soon.
And, we kick butt all the way to the moon.

Ole, ole, ole, ole. Ole, Ole. Ole, Ole.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

IPhones and free time to play with them are now part of VendAsta's philosophy

IPhone SDK bug hit home very hard. Everyone, with no exception, started to dream up new applications we could build. Why not? After all we have a house full of super achievers so why not turn them loose? ... It is exactly what we are going to do. From now on every Friday afternoon is designated to a "go wild and work on whatever ideas you might have" time. And since it is very hard to work on the IPhone without the IPhone, we are going to buy an IPhone for everyone too (theirs to keep). We are also going to cover monthly data plan to remove any testing obstacles. Apple products are obviously most popular but similar to our laptop policy, the choice of the mobile device or a phone belongs to our devs.

Friday, August 15, 2008


After all those years I'm still being fascinated by the way humans are able to communicate over long distances. Our scrum meetings are perfect example of that. Dale is working out of London England, Ryan out of Regina Canada, Ches out of Vancouver Canada and the rest of the team is here in Saskatoon Canada. During our last sprint planning I witness something very interesting. When the time came for a coffee break, everyone left the room leaving Dale and Ryan on top of the table (literally). I could not help but record their coffee break conversation:

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The secret is out.

We've got 3 million dollars in funding! Life is good for everyone here. We have lots of money in the bank (come and see samples) and are hiring like crazy.

If you think you would like to join VendAsta driving force, apply here.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Tradition is a big part of a corporate culture. I agree with Kinger AKA Brendan King that culture can not be dictated and that it should form naturally. This is why we need to recognize and cherish traditions which bond people in so many ways. Tradition can be corky, fun or funny and initially without much meaning. However when a simple act is shared in a social setting, it becomes a very hard bond. We are young but we already have few traditions that sneaked up on us. For example every new employee gets to build (assemble) her/his own chair. Simple thing but ask anyone at VendAsta an you will find out how proud they are of their own chair. Another tradition is a very strict time for a Scrum meeting at 9:15 am. As strange as it may be, the start of a meeting is a tradition for us because this is the only strict time line that we have. Everything else is flexible and is left to team members to decide what works for them. Amazingly the pace at which we pump out quality and innovative software is incredible which quickly becomes a tradition on its own. I must say that a very enjoyable tradition is our bxxr fridge that opens every Friday at 3:00pm. This is also a great time for all sorts of demos of our achievements from the past week. Last but not least is a tradition which involves all of our family, friends and business partners. Every Friday at 4:00pm we have VendAsta Open House where everybody socialize and dream up ideas for the future. If you don't believe me when I say we pump out quality and innovative software, you don't need to take my word for it. Come and join us on Fridays for a cold beverage from our fridge and ask anyone what are we all about. We are pretty transparent here.

Some traditions come and go and others stay forever. What is important that our traditions are building blocks of our culture. They come form my very innovative colleagues so you can be sure there are many more to come.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

...So I wouldn't crash.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Little Helper

Daddy is working...

...and I am grounded

Brainstorming at the breakout room

Server load testing

Flip board presentation

You are hired. Welcome to VendAsta

Sunday, February 10, 2008

My Orthodrome

The role of a ship navigator is to calculate the shortest and a safest route from the starting point to the destination point of the journey. On most short travels, finding such path seems trivial. With the aid of a compass a desired bearing is set and sailed upon. The resulting path which always intersects meridians at the same angle is called the loxodrome. Within such framework, the loxodrome is incorrectly perceived by many to be the shortest path. Since loxodrome is set using proven euclidean geometry with the aid of common tools like compass or a map, it is difficult to realize that such path is not particularly the right way to go. When considering a long distance travel, a slight paradigm shift has to be made to allow for calculation using spherical geometry. The resulting more precise path is called the orthodrome (gr. ortho - correct or straight, drome - line or path) which by definition intersects every meridian at a different angle and it absolutely sets the shortest way. The interesting thing is that orthodrome as straight as it may be, requires constant bearing adjustment which gives a perception of a curve.

I guess what I am trying to say here is that the right way to go isn't always obvious but it certainly does exist. As we set sails for this incredibly exciting venture on a flagship called VendAsta, we face the difficult navigation task. Adoption of an orthodrome will require us to make complex calculations along the way, innovate in various frameworks, constantly adjust the course and most importantly it will force us to always do the right thing. As an oath and a constant reminder to stay on the right path I chose to name this space "My Orthodrome"